Medical negligence and malpractice are not always sinister or deemed worthy enough to make the news. However, there are instances of medical professionals making mistakes every day. In some cases, the victims of this type of negligence let the matter go when there is no perceived harm.
If you believe that you have been subjected to medical malpractice, speaking to a personal injury lawyer is always an option. By doing so, you may help prevent the same mistake being made again and resulting in serious injury or a fatality.
Over Prescribed/Wrong Medication
Potential harm from over prescribed or wrong medication is a very real possibility. Overdosing or suffering adverse effects are some of the potential outcomes. It is also important to consider that receiving the wrong medication means you are not being treated correctly for a specific condition.
Incorrect Diagnosis
An incorrect diagnosis of a serious illness can have fatal consequences. There are numerous ways that a medical professional can fail to correctly identify a health condition. Not ordering tests such as x-rays, MRIs and blood tests are some of the more common mistakes made by doctors and other relevant practitioners.
Surgical Negligence
Any surgeon that enters an operating theater should have relevant experience, qualifications and expertise. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Patients who have suffered unnecessary injury from surgical negligence have the right to pursue compensation. In the case of wrongful death, a qualifying relative may take up the case with a personal injury lawyer with experience of medical malpractice.
Call the offices of Plunkett, Hamilton, Manton & Graves, LLP if you believe that you have been the victim of medical negligence. Our legal team can provide professional consultation in Augusta, GA. We will fight to ensure you receive fair compensation for your medical negligence injuries.
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